More Football to the People
In placemaking, a common practice to improve a location is arranging engaging events for the community. Events like these not only create value for the people who already live there but also attract visitors from near and far, possibly even those experiencing the place for the first time. A great example of this is youth sports competitions. By bringing people together around a shared passion, such events draw individuals who might never have discovered the area otherwise, providing huge benefits to cities worldwide. Ibercup in Estoril, Portugal, embodies this perfectly.
Focused on bringing teams from across the globe to the Iberian Peninsula, Ibercup plays a significant role in boosting local tourism. It not only promotes Estoril and Cascais but also creates lifelong memories for young athletes, potentially shaping their future careers in professional football. This summer, we were thrilled to partner with PA Team Academy and document the journey of their talented young players as they represented the Madrid-based football academy during Ibercup week.
The result is an energetic after-movie that captures all the emotions the players experienced throughout the tournament. So they can carry the memories of Estoril, Cascais, and Ibercup 2024 with them as they progress in their careers. And who knows—this may not be the last time they visit the stunning Portuguese Riviera!

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