We're in Portugal!
We have now moved our base of operations from Gothenburg, Sweden to Portugal and more specifically Lisbon. 
These exciting times bring new challenges and opportunity. Something we always try to do, whether it is developing ideas for a marketing campaign or learning to ride a bike, is to get back to the basics. Start with the fundamentals. Or as the wise Simon Sinek would say, start with "why?".

More than often the question "why?" could be answered when looking into the background and history of said topic, and just like the "why?" can inspire a certain culture within a business organization, the same goes to answer the question we gest asked of "Why Portugal?". Our answer is the culture. 

Of course there are numerous things like the weather, beautiful scenery and the friendly people that play a huge role in our decision. When you think about it, all of the above are things that make up culture, so at the end of the day I think that culture plays a massive part in any decision process. 

Enough of this culture-rant, here's a video of us getting a taste of Portugal before making the decision to move here.

Até breve!
- Gustav, founder Cavendo Creative

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